Android Development Trends for 2022

Raviraj Desai
2 min readApr 9, 2022

Over the past 7 years, Android development has continued to evolve. As the developer community continues to explore new ways of doing things, Google continues to provide new tech for us to move forward.Last year, there were several interesting things in the Android world, however, I will focus on the most important of them which we should start using in 2022.

Kotlin : Kotlin is the preferred language for Android development in 2022. Since its creation, Kotlin has developed a lot and now becomes a mature language.

Jetpack Compose : For sure the biggest announcement of the last year. Something which affects a lot of areas of development even if it’s just for the UI layer. That’s a completely new way of creating views on Android. We may finally resign from XMLs and replace an imperative way of thinking with a declarative one. Android finally caught up with other platforms with a modern style of creating the user interface.

Kotlin-coroutine over RxJava :An easy & efficient way to manage threading.

Room for Local Database :The better approach for data persistence than SQLiteDatabase. It provides an abstraction layer over SQLite.

Datastore to store key-value pairs :Don’t use SharedPreferences anymore! Store data asynchronously, consistently, and transactionally, overcoming some of the drawbacks of SharedPreferences.

Retrofit for Networking : The type-safe rest client for Java and Kotlin.

WorkManager to Schedule asynchronous tasks : The perfect solution to schedule works to run one-time or repeatedly even if the app exits or the device restarts.

Always measure your Code coverage : JaCoco is powerful to measure your code coverage.

Coil for Image loading : The famous image loading library for Android is backed by Kotlin Coroutine.

CI/CD to automate development : CI/CD becomes a must to have things to make the development process automatic. Automate all manual tasks without worrying too much.

Timber for logging : Do better logging using Timber.

Firebase crashlytics for App analytics :The lightweight, real-time crash reporting tool makes it easy for you to manage the stability of your app.

MVVM architecture : Model-View-ViewModel — The perfect solution for all the drawbacks of MVP and MVC, which makes code testable, more decoupled, and easy to maintain.

App security :



Raviraj Desai

Assistant Vice President at HDFC Bank (Android — Kotlin lover. Tech stack: MVVM, Dagger2, Coroutines, RxJava2 ,Flutter Enthusiast ,Ejabber